Frequently Asked Questions
How do I advertise my business on Housemagazine.com and/or in House & Home Magazine?
You can either send a request for a media kit by using the Advertising Tab at the bottom of our website, or feel free to contact our Advertising Department for more information at 888-202-5501 or at info@housemagazine.com
How do I create my own account at Housemagazine.com
Just click on the "Join Today FREE with email" message on our home page or click on the "join today" tab at the top of our homepage.
How do I locate a specific company on Housemagazine.com?
There are several ways to find a company's listing. You can click on the "Directory" link at the top of the Homepage or any other page, then search by a keyword in the search box or search by company name as they are in alphabetical order. The second way is to click on the red "Browse Professionals" link under "Hire a Professional" on the home page underneath our main photos.